Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #5

Thirteen Favorite Spots in Rogers

1. Famous Daves.... BBQ is lip smacking delicious!

2. Veteran's Park.... Long walking trails, perfect to wear out a bonkers pup.

3. Promenade Mall.... Only because they're decorating it for Christmas and it looks beautiful!

4. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.... Enough said. (sorry girls)

5. Rogers Public Library.... I was out of books to read, took me all of 30 seconds to get a card, simple and easy!

6. The church with the three giant crosses.... Just makes you wonder who they were trying to outdo.

7. Our Corporate Office.... They print my bonus checks, I have to love them, lol.

8. My duplex.... It's where my monster kitten is :)

9. Acambaro.... I don't care if they all got arrested, the food is damn good!!

10. Taco Bueno.... Cheesecake Chimichangas, enough said

11. Andy's Custard.... The closest version of Shake's that I have. Yummy Frozen Custard

12. Wal-Mart... It's just an addiction thing, sorry.

13. That really cool place I haven't quite found yet... I've only been here 3 months!

*knock on wood*

I seem to have beaten the sinus infection..........
shhh.......... don't tempt it to return........


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Searching for a title...

I want a cool title for my blog... Any suggestions? I want to make a cool header like Lesley has, although I can't really use a character from a book I'm writing, hehe.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday (Saturday) Thirteen #4

Thirteen Reasons I forgot to do a Thursday Thirteen...

1. Mashed Potatoes

2. Green Bean Casserole

3. Fresh, hot rolls

4. Giblet Gravy

5. Homemade Stuffing in the crock pot

6. Broccoli Cheese Casserole

7. Macy's Day Parade on TV

8. Sweet Potatoes with brown sugar and cinnamon

9. Caramel Apple Pie

10. Peanut Butter Fudge

11. Still complaining that mom didn't make her corn casserole!

12. Turkey Hangover

13. It was a Holiday and I spent it with family!


There are SNOW FLURRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard on the tv earlier that there were scattered flurries, but when I left work at 3am, I got to see them! Oh how nice it is to see flurries! Flurries, Flurries, Flurries! I LOVE SNOW!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A taste of what's to come.....

I'm soooooooo excited to be in a duplex and have a yard to decorate!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What yucky weather...

I was thinking about taking a walk in the park this morning, but the weather is yucky. Too bad I'm not in Iowa. My friend Renee sent me a picture this morning, a "We've got snow, do you?" rubbing it in my face picture, hehe. And not only that, a former co-worker posted 60 pictures on facebook of snow in Montana. *sighs*

Mother Nature doesn't love me :(

But on the bright side..... there's a glimmer of hope that I may finally be getting over my sinus infection. Yesterday I felt pretty good, and today is looking good as well (so far).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Sing with me...... to the tune of the Mickey Mouse song.


Yeah, it was a horrible day...... That's all I have to say.

Still sick, work was nuts, but thankfully it's a short and broken apart week. On a brighter note, I had a good crop of new hires tonight. I might actually get a meat checker that speaks English! Well, Ut tries to speak English, but she has such a heavy Vietnamese accent that it's hard to understand. One of the supervisors was out tonight. We sent him home and to the doctor for what looks like pink eye. Our boss, Becky will be out the rest of the week, so we'll have the plant manager from dayshift covering things. Tomorrow has the potential to be just as horrible and insane. *sighs*

**November 24**
I feel the need to edit this post and add this comic... it fits, LOL

Sunday, November 18, 2007

It's officially the holiday season

I've finally seen the commercial that, to me, always marks when it's really the holiday season :) And if Dylan is reading this, NO, it is NOT the Ferrero Rocher commercial.

It is the adorable Hershey's Kisses that play We Wish You a Merry Christmas as bells.

Snowman video clip

The most awesome snow globe!!!!!!

Shopping Adventures and Sinus update

First off...... why the hell did I not go get a cortisone/steroid shot today? Oh yeah, I'm lazy... gotcha. I wasn't too bad today, slept some in the car on the way to Tulsa and nearly all of the way back. Poor mom, I wasn't much company in the car. Somewhere along the way, I obviously got a good whiff or two of eucalyptus (that I'm allergic to) and I had a migraine the entire way back and tried to sleep it off. By the time I got back to mom's it had let up significantly so she let me drive home. As long as I didn't stare at oncoming lights and didn't move my head and kept the radio down, I was ok. But obviously I'm safe at home and blogging, so all went well!

Ok, so shopping in Tulsa. It's early, not too many insane Christmas shoppers out yet! Just a highlights.

1. If you go to Mathis Brothers Furniture, make sure the sales person KNOWS you're just looking and don't intend to buy. Mom and I had a dude following us around 3/4 of the store making comments and being annoying before he got sidetracked by some woman and we escaped to the cafe to hide, LOL.

2. Santa has a smile that warms you up inside! We came out of JCPenney's and they had pictures with Santa set up. I glanced over to see if he had any children on his lap and I swear he was the best looking Santa I've ever seen. Not like good looking, but like the perfect face for a Santa. He gave me a wink and a little wave and I just giggled and had a smile from ear to ear. I'm still a kid at heart, always will be.

3. Camille's Cafe is really really good. Mom and I both had a California Chicken Wrap - DELICIOUS, and it was served with three color tortilla chips and some really really yummy salsa. The water tasted funny though, hehe.

4. Ross - Dress for Less, is the same as TJ Maxx, and even though we nearly turned around to leave because it wasn't what we thought it was, I wound up buying four things, hehe.

5. Jenn in a Hallmark store during the holidays is a B-A-D idea. I'll have to get a video of my snowman snow globe. He's unbelievably awesome! He has a little motor in his belly that turns on and off to stir up the glitter for you, you don't have to shake him! And he also changes colors among green, red and blue. Video will come soon...

6. Sometimes it's just not appropriate to take a picture of a woman's hair, but I reallllllllllllllllllly really wanted to! I don't remember what store we were in, but I nearly got caught staring at this elderly woman's hair. I don't even know how to describe it, but I know that mom would have beaten me if I'd taken a picture like I wanted to... I wish I knew how to express the amazement of her hairdo and hair color combination... I'm still just baffled by whatever in the world that woman did (and why she thought it was acceptable to go out in public like that).

7. We got free pillows, LOL. I'm looking at new bedroom furniture and with a larger bed comes a new mattress. Since we were in a mall, I stopped in the Select Comfort store where they sell the sleep number beds. I've slept on one of these in a hotel in Dallas, very very comfy. And since the guy obviously wasn't going to make a sale, he offered us free pillows instead in exchange for adding us to their mailing list. Whatever dude... But strangely, the pillow came in handy on the way home when I was sleeping off that headache. Strange how things work out like that!

Must sleep now, good night

Friday, November 16, 2007

Doctor says....

I STILL have my dang sinus infection. I now have yet another prescription for an antibiotic that's supposed to be stronger. Let's hope this one works better, or else I'll have to go in for one of those steroid cortisone cocktail shots..... I would have gotten one today, but I seem to remember them putting me to sleep, and I have to work tonight.

Update on my skills at work.....

Here's the original list of cannots, and how they stand now

I cannot:
  • Debone a whole leg, or anything in the coneline room
    ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!! oh wait, I still can't do coneline. Ok, Success on deboning a leg

  • Set up the distribution system that sends the tubs to each of the baggers

  • Remember when I do and don't need to clear the lines (unless I'm going to an older kill date)

  • Operate the cryovac packaging machine
    Haven't even tried

  • Operate the device that tests the CO2 to O2 concentration in the cryovac packages
    Have no reason to learn

  • Operate the strapper machine that puts the hard plastic straps around boxes to keep them closed
    Haven't even tried

  • Drive one of the jacks loaded with a pallet
    Big Fat Failure! LOL, Last time I tried to drive the electric jack, I backed myself into the CO2 bins and Gustavo took the jack away from me, LOL. However, he did get it onto the truck and then let me maneuver it into place, hehe.

  • Understand how in the world they figure out payroll!
    Partial Success... if I could figure out which products have a base pay and which don't, I'd have it down perfectly.
More things I've learned about that I can't do......
  • Run/Set up the sizer machine
  • Run the marinator in coneline, or the slicer
  • Drive the yard dog (the truck cab we use to move trailers around the lot with)
  • Fix the scale settings on the indexer bagging machine. Truthfully I don't even try, I just go find Joseph.
  • Operate the lift on the bone trailer
I'm sure there's more...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #3

Yeah, Yeah, I took a long break between TT's. But here you go.

Thirteen Sites I have Bookmarked

  1. Arkansas Geocachers Association
    I love geocaching, when I get to go. Can't go right now, my brother has my GPS. This is the page for the Arkansas group. There are several other regional groups, but this is the main Arkansas one.
  2. The Times Record - Fort Smith, Arkansas
    Helps me keep up with news back home. I mostly just look at births, marriages, engagements, and the obituaries.
  3. 112 Drive In Theatre
    I love the drive in movies! I don't think I went at all this past season, never got a chance to. Need to change that next year.
  4. Pike's Peak Cog Railway
    The best thing I ever did! Back in April I took vacation time and went to Colorado for a Chris Cagle concert. I went down to Colorado Springs for a couple of days, went up the mountain as far as we could go because of the snow, went to Garden of the Gods, went to the Cliff Dwellings, and just had a great time :)
  5. The Language of The Fan
    It's just funny to read, but you might need to be southern to appreciate it :)
  6. Kraft Foods - Great Recipes and Food Ideas
    I love new recipes! I have gotten many delicious recipes from this site. I'm also on their mailing list and get new recipes each week.
  7. Hips and Curves
    Because I'm naughty some days.... ;)
  8. Web Sudoku
    Yes, I admit it, I'm an addict. I also have it on my cell phone, I can play anywhere and any time!
  9. Make-a-Flake - A snowflake maker
    I LOVE SNOWFLAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Glitter Graphics
    I like sparkly things :)
  11. Northwest Arkansas Real Estate
    I love to dream...... someday soon I hope it will be a reality!
  12. The Webtender - Cocktail & Mixed-Drink recipes and Bartending Guide
    I highly recommend the "In my bar" feature. It ROCKS!
  13. Orbitz: Airline Tickets, Hotels, Car Rentals, Travel Deals
    I can't travel if I don't have a way to book stuff! (see also, American Airlines)
That's it, I'm done. I don't have all the cool linky things like Lesley does on the end. I'll figure that out for next week.

Seven Random and/or Weird Things About Me

I was tagged by Leslita!

Here are the rules:

Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

  1. I have a cat with a foot fetish. Seriously, he's obcessed with my feet! He always has to lay on my feet, or sleep on them when I'm in bed. I started with this one because he's laying on my feet right now and my right foot is asleep and tingling. Let's try a picture...... Nope, I can't get it to work, click here, LOL.

  2. I have a house elf! Ok, so really it's just my best friend Doby, I mean Dylan. He's a clean freak some days, so he tends to wash dishes, mow the lawn, vacuum the floor, take out the trash, etc. See, he's a house elf! Ok, he doesn't cook much, but I'm not ever home for him to cook for anyway. I used to call him a house-husband, but I don't get any of those husband/wife benefits, so he's a house elf instead!

  3. I can't stand to take a shower anywhere other than home! I know it's weird, but the thought of taking a shower in a hotel room where tons of other people have been and have done who knows what... yuck. I just moved and I seriously had to clean my shower twice before I ever used it. And I'm still not really comfortable with it, LOL.

  4. I can't communicate with a vast majority of the people I work with. My Spanish is horrible, and I'm not taking the time to learn it like I should. Thankfully I have lots of people that help me translate. It's not too bad...

  5. I'm obsessed with CSI shows. I have the TV in my room set to automatically come on at noon so it will wake me up and I can watch CSI: Miami. I'm also a fan of Law & Order and NCIS.

  6. I love Christmas! I love the decorations, I love the church services, I love the holiday carols, I love the bell ringers at the stores, I love driving around to look at lights, I love the special dishes that only get fixed during holidays, I love office parties, I love buying presents, I love wrapping presents, I love a twinkling tree, I just flat out love Christmas!

  7. I'm gonna go to Disneyland for my birthday! I have a friend that lives out there, so I have someone to show me around. It's still in the planning stages, not yet a done deal :)

  8. Doh, I only needed 7. Bye now! Crap, I don't know who to tag, so I guess it stops here... hehe

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hello again!

I forget about this blog thing, maybe if I bookmark it, or hey, set it as my homepage (!) I'll pay a little more attention to it.

Let's see...... I changed the title for Lesley, I'm not an intern any more. I reallllly need to get ready for work, but I'll try and make myself do the 7 things that Les tagged me with when I get home in the wee hours of the morning. That's assuming we have enough chicken to get us through the night! So far we're like 0 for 2.