Saturday, March 29, 2008

Think Oyster would let me do this??

Cat of 1000 Faces - Episode 1

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The inventors have gotten bored......

So I spend a lot of time in Wal-Mart... I noticed a week or so ago a display at the end of the aisle of hot chocolate and mocha latte's. Next time I saw them I noticed that the container says "Self Heating" and kind of wondered who was going to pay $2.00 for a cup of hot chocolate.

However, tonight, I found that whole display in the back of the store, half price at $1.00 per container, so curiosity has gotten the better of me, hehe. At the checkout, the security guard dude behind me they were really good. On the way I got to thinking, these would be really awesome for camping!

So here's the deal, you turn it upside down and pull off a foil that hides the "button" to activate it. You press the button down really hard, and this green liquid (they call it "water") drains down into the container. You turn it right side up after 10 seconds and watch the pink dot on the back side until it turns white and then it's hot and ready to drink! It's not scorchingly hot that you can't drink it, but it's much more than lukewarm! Has a slightly different chocolate taste to it, but it's pretty good :) (Update: duh, I bought the ones with the marshmallows, the "slightly different" taste is the marshmallows, lol) Also comes in several different soup flavors, but I didn't see those...


Also makes a very nice hand warmer, but because of the weight of the special stuff, it's hard to tell when it's empty, lol. I've got to get more of these before they quit selling them, I need them for camping, hehehehe.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Goofy Product of the day...

Slipper Genie Microfiber Cleaning Slippers

Sorry.... still giggling, but hey... that would be a good idea. With one exception... I'd have to move the rugs I have in the kitchen and the two bathrooms to really do a good job!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nothing to say.....

I just got tired of staring at a chunk of cheese when I opened my browser. In an attempt to blog more, my "home page" is set to my blogger.





There, that should cover it :) Move along now.... Time for me to sleep... my body is whacked out over the time change, ugh.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Food Critique #3

More cheese! Lesley, this is your fault...

Sonoma Jack - Garlic Jack
Thankfully, I am not a vampire. Otherwise, the garlic of this cheese would have done me in, LOL. Natural Jack cheese with garlic and parsley. Very yummy, yet very garlic-y. Really not bad, I'd buy it again :)

Cappiello - Smoked Braided Mozzarella
I *LOVE* smoked cheese, and this one was no exception. Two thumbs up, needs no more explanation, hehe.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Silliness at Work

Gustabo and Amilcar are going to dayshift next week. We had a nice dinner of subs and chips and then an ice cream cake. After the workers went home, we convinced Gustabo to join us in the supervisor's office and we attacked him with silly string. It rocked :)