Monday, February 18, 2008

Another weird conversation for the record books!

I forgot about this one..... it happened while I was out in California. Seriously.... they need to screen some of these people that get on the internet, LOL.

Weirdo: can I ask you something crazy about Arkansas?
Jenn: sure
Weirdo: do you get lots of bugs and insects there?
Jenn: In the southern part of the state, near the delta, the mosquitos are horrrrrrrrible
Jenn: but in the northwest where I live it's not bad
Jenn: your usual spiders, beetles, ants, etc
Jenn: but they're easily controllable
Weirdo: are you a bug lover or a bug hater?
Jenn: I'm not much of a bug fan, but I wouldn't say I hate them
Jenn: I have two agriculture degrees, I know their importance
Weirdo: so when you see spiders and beetles do you step on them?
Jenn: only if they're in the house
Weirdo: but when they are
Jenn: most of the time yes
Jenn: but sometimes I might scoop them up and throw them out, or maybe sweep them out the door
Weirdo: that is awesome
Jenn: I'd rather scoop one up than clean it up off the floor
Weirdo: aww
Jenn: if it's a grand daddy long legs, I'll pick up a leg, and toss it out the door, lol
Weirdo: it's crazy, but if a pretty girl steps on a bug I find it really sexy, but girls in England never do it, they think it's cruel
Jenn: yeah.... I find that crazy
Weirdo: I guess because it makes her look mean and powerful, kind of like a giantess if that makes any sense to you?
Weirdo: you weirded out? sorry
Jenn: no
Weirdo: so did you find the bug thing weird? sorry
Jenn: not really
Weirdo: so have you stepped on any lately?
Jenn: I don't know
Weirdo: no memories at all?
Jenn: no
Weirdo: aww pity

I think I'll make myself a new nickname...
Jenn - The Weirdo Magnet

1 comment:

MsSnarkyPants said...

I rank that up there on the list of the creepiest things I've ever heard! LOL