Monday, April 7, 2008

How to build a Diaper Cake - Day One

Gather your basic pieces...

Lots of diapers!

One dis-assembled ball of rubber bands

Step One:

Separate the diapers and marvel at how little baby bottoms can be.

Roll them tightly and then make Lishy and Lesley die laughing by asking if I'm making them un-sterile or anything by handling them all. Lishy says they're just going to be pooped on, so umm... they're fine :)

But just out of curiousity...

In what language are they called couches???

Woohooooo! First twenty-something are done!

Yes, I made sure each one had two matching rubber bands, I'm anal like that some days!

And yes Oyster, I'm paying attention to something other than you

Even if you do keep me from stretching my legs out

or if you use my leg for a head rest!

Woohoo! The second bag is almost empty!

And this my darlings is what 80 rolled and rubber-banded newborn diapers in a box look like:

More to come later! My hands need a break.........


MsSnarkyPants said...

Awww those are like the cutest diapers evah! Bryon says that he thinks Couches is probably French. hehe

amestes said...

Awwwww, tiny little baby diapers :D I marvel at your neatness and consistency hehehe :)