Saturday, January 19, 2008

California - Day One!

Good Lord I'm tired! But it's been a good birthday :)

XNA, it's a breeze to get through. No problems with the flight. Three people looked at my driver's license and didn't notice it's my birthday... the bums! Got to Atlanta, and rather than have only 37 minutes to change flights, I took the noon flight and had a three hour layover. I toured all the terminals and they were boring.

Chose to have lunch at Chili's and have a Long Island, hey it's my birthday, I'm not driving, I'm entitled! And she didn't notice it was my birthday either...... Couple of phone calls later, much boredom, and finally boarded the flight east. Long long long flight. In-flight movie was The Jane Austen Book Club. Was pretty good! The girl in the seat next to me was cool to talk to, but I never got her name. But after a 4½ hour flight I was stiff and tired and exhausted and just wanted to stretch. Took a cab to the hotel (hotel paid for it, that's their version of "free shuttle"), and stretched out in every direction on the bed, LOL.

Jason was minutes behind me, so I didn't get to relax long! I walked out the door of the hotel, and there was a Chipotle restaurant right across the street!!! I had to call Becky and tell her, she got a kick out of it. Jason and I went to Fudruckers for food, ok, dessert for me, and then we took a drive out to the beach at night. Very very beautiful, peaceful, and the only sounds you could hear were the waves crashing. I don't think the pictures I took will turn out, but the ones in my mind are priceless :) Also drove by lots of expensive car dealerships, but I wasn't inclined to take any pictures, hehe. More later!

Google Map of the beach

1 comment:

MsSnarkyPants said...

That looks lovely! You're going to have to come over and show me the pictures you took! When all this ice melts...