Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wal-Mart Trip #2

Ok, first off, WHERE THE HELL IS MY GELATO??????????????? It's not fair, I guess they're like Godiva, get you hooked on something sinful and then freakin take it away! UGH

So I went to Wal-Mart for the sole purpose of getting some gelato because I decided I reallllly wanted some. Also decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and get gas while I was there.

THIS TIME I remembered that my phone had a camera, and I tried to take a picture, but by the time I got it out and on, the dude quit doing his little tai chi/karate looking poses in the little attendants booth. Perhaps he heard me laughing......... hehehe.

Had to share one more story :)

p.s. I bought Breyer's Fried Ice Cream instead...

1 comment:

MsSnarkyPants said...

Obviously I need to take more midnight trips to Walmart... I did make more when I was pregnant with Nicky than I ever did in college so perhaps I have more in front of me soon.