Saturday, January 12, 2008

I have GOT to use my camera phone more

So I'm in Wal-Mart, not a big deal right? I'm in the checkout, and I hear a horrrrrrible crash. Then some woman went running, so I figure her kid knocked something over, but then there was more crashing, and about 20 people went toward the front to see what was up. Curiosity getting the better of me, I had to go look too. I was also remembering I have first aid training, and if there was an injury, I should go help out. So what was it? You know how most Wal-Marts have a book section up front, and then back side of it faces customer service? Somehow that ENTIRE length of the book section toppled over backwards. But amazingly, not many of the books or magazines were in the floor, and no one was injured or seemed to be near it. I don't have a clue what happened, but it was amusing.

And then I walked out and to my truck, and there was a bride and groom coming out of Wal-Mart from the grocery side. She was holding her skirt up and stepping carefully. I don't even want to know why they were there...

Only when I got in my truck did I think about taking a picture, hehe.

1 comment:

MsSnarkyPants said...

Hehehe Maybe they forgot some honeymoon supplies! Can't forget any of those honeymoon supplies. ;)

I wonder how on earth the book rack fell over...Probably teenagers being bad! Them there young uns... Do you remember when we were the teenagers? I'm beginning to forget. *giggles*